The Danish Animation Society (ANIS)
Aims to assemble all engaged in the animation industry in Denmark and to protect and manage its members' copyrighting -- both economical and artistic
Danish Film Institute
The national agency accountable for the conservation of film in the public interest. They help to cultivate the production film by participating in the development, marketing and distribution
Nordisk Film & TV Fond
The national agency accountable for the conservation of film in the public interest. They help to cultivate the production film by participating in the development, marketing and distribution
Nordisk Film & TV Fond
Support is provided for Scandinavian countries alone. To be eligible the release must be planned for distribution across at least two Nordic countries and bear a satisfactory audience potential. Support is provided in pre-production through to dubbing and distribution -- with further attention given to child and youth anticipated projects
DR broadcasting
TV2 broadcasting
These are the two largest TV stations who tend to participate in animation projects through pre-sales or investment
These are the two largest TV stations who tend to participate in animation projects through pre-sales or investment
Ministry of Culture for Denmark
Consists of a Lotto fund of which is part allocated to the production of educational and art house films
Consists of a Lotto fund of which is part allocated to the production of educational and art house films
Media Desk Denmark
Helps the development of animation where possible. They offer advice in all areas, news on all funding opportunities and the use of their resource centre
Helps the development of animation where possible. They offer advice in all areas, news on all funding opportunities and the use of their resource centre